Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Today marks approximately 5 days until the new year!  Now I've been the type to make "New Years Resolutions" in the past, but this year, I'm doing something a little different.  I started thinking about what I wanted my NYRs to be a few months ago and have since then started getting in the habit of doing the things that I want to change in my life for the new year.  Don't worry, this isn't one of those "new year, new me" posts! I'm totally not on that bandwagon! I think sometimes people get really excited about a new year and make resolutions that they decide on January 1st, they are going to start making changes towards those new goals.  You start going hard on January 1st; you're pumped up and excited! You've got a new attitude...Patti LaBelle status! Then around February, you start to resort back to your old ways! You aren't as excited anymore, the goals start to get old, you lose interest, stuff starts happening that makes it hard to keep going in the right direction, you eventually quit.  Around March, you realize you're not making any more progression towards these new goals and you throw your hands up! You say "whatever!" Maybe next year I'll lose 15 pounds.  Maybe next year I'll stop dealing with no good guys who use and abuse me.  Next year, I'm cutting off all these "fake" friends who don't appreciate me.  Next year, you either get with me or get lost! Etc., etc., etc.!!!

I was reading my Bible the other day and came across this scripture that reminded me of New Years Resolutions and the type of attitude we must have to be successful.  It's from Luke 8:9-15.  This is the parable of the seed.  The seed is the word of God and verses 12-15 explains the different types of ground the seed will fall on.  Although the seed in these scriptures represents the word of God, I felt like I could use it as a metaphor to represent people who makes new years resolutions.

Type One: The Easily Discouraged.....

verse 12: Those along the path are the ones who hear, and then the devil comes along and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved.

The Easily Discouraged is the type of person who gets an idea of what they need to be doing to make significant changes in their lives, but they are easily discouraged by others.  You know you're overweight and it's affecting your health.  You know what you need to do and you even have a gym membership.  You know you need to start saving more of your money instead of spending it.  You are only two semesters away from graduating and getting your degree and you're standing on the decision of taking this next semester off or continuing.  You've got the vision in your heart, but your problem is, you let others deter you from accomplishing what you really need to be doing.  You decide on a gym partner to help keep you motivated, but when that person consistently cancels on you, you get discouraged too and stop going.  You continue to accept dinner invitations from friends, trips to the mall to find an outfit for yet another event instead of just wearing something you already have or just simply declining the invitation to go.  You have packed your lunch for the day, but find yourself ordering out with coworkers anyway.  You let your mind get boggled down with all these other things that you "need" to be doing instead of making school a priority and just finishing.  You've come this far, you see the light at the end of the tunnel, but you keep putting it off. Another year goes by, and all of these things have still not gotten done.  You feel like maybe it's not for you.

Type Two: Solid Ground is Nowhere to be Found....

verse 13: Those on the rocky ground are the ones who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but they have no root.  They believe for a while, but in the time of testing they fall away.

Foundations are so important in just about anything we do! You want to achieve these things for the new year, but you have no idea where to start.  You're super excited for the new year! You declare: NEW YEAR, NEW ME!!  You're hype and excited for this fresh start! Woohooo this is exciting!! You've made your list of resolutions, you've put it in your mind you're going to get out there and make some changes, and then a road block comes along.  Whoa...didn't expect that one did you? You didn't have an emergency plan for those unexpected set backs that would try to get in your way.  So what do you do? You give in and feel defeated.  You give up and just like the easily discouraged person, you decide you'll just pick up and start again next year.  Around November of this new year, you'll start getting excited again and start to declare how much this "new" year was a bunch of trash and you can't wait for it to get out of here!! I'M SOOOOO DONE WITH 201__ AND I'M READY FOR 201__!!!!! A lot of the things we want to accomplish require us to have a solid foundation.  To be fully rooted in what it is we want to achieve.  If you want to lose weight, educate yourself on healthy ways to do it, surround yourself with other people who are looking to achieve the same goals.  If you want to save money, talk with a financial adviser.  Open a savings account and set up an automatic savings plan.  Plan ahead!! Expect the unexpected!!

Type Three: Unfocused Ursula/Ubaldo

verse 14: The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life's worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature.

The unfocused person will be like the seed that falls on thorns.  You know what you want to accomplish or what you want to achieve, but your mind is everywhere except on your goals.  You're wandering through life aimlessly like a nomad.  You verbalized what you wanted to achieve, but you haven't written it down.  You haven't made any plans for success.  When you're unprepared like this, of course it's easy to get distracted.  Life is tough as is, so to make changes to our lives, we have to be focused.  Change requires maturity.  You'll be caught up in the same boat as the Easily Discouraged, and the person who's not standing on solid ground if you don't gain focus!

Type Four: Perseverance and the Determined Soul

verse 15: But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.

This is the type of person I'm striving to be with my New Years Resolutions! Like I said before, I started early.  First I evaluated what I said I wanted to achieve for 2012 and what didn't actually get done.  I thought about what changes I wanted to make for the new year and what I wanted to continue doing that I declared for 2012.  By starting early, giving a true evaluation to your progression or regression on a daily basis, by the time the new year sets in, you're already in the habit of making the changes that you wanted to make.  Of course with any change, we will backslide, make mistakes, fall back into old habits, etc.  It's not about falling down, it's about whether you get back up and get back on track.  Going through anything and falling down makes perseverance so much sweeter in the end.  As you look back over the year and see what could have stopped you, what could have gotten in your way and stayed in your way, yet you made it through anyhow is a huge accomplishment.

I'm going to declare my "New Years Resolutions" as My Lifestyle Changes.  I only have two for right now, but they definitely will have a huge impact in my life and the lives of others.

1. To live more for God.  My relationship with God has grown and flourished as they years go on.  I am nowhere near perfect and am a sinner, but I pray and hope that I will sin less and be more pleasing in God's sight from now on.  I give myself away so He can use me.  I give God all the glory for everything he has done in my life! I was at church on Sunday and I was just thinking about how I wish I would have fallen in love with Jesus sooner. My life has been so much better since I've developed a personal relationship with him! My soul has been more at peace, my heart has smiled from the inside out, I have become a better person.  He loves me so much and I know I don't deserve it.  Had I accepted this unconditional love a long time ago, my life would have been so different.  Everything happens for a reason and my past is part of my testimony.

2. To continue to take care of my body: spiritually, mentally, and physically.  I started working out and educating myself on eating better back in November.  Since then, I am thirsty to learn more and to continue to get fit and stay fit.  My body is a temple and the only body I will have for this life.  While I am here on earth, I know I have to take the best care of it that I can! I want to be healthy for my children and grandchildren.  I also want to inspire and help others along.  A lot of people have been telling me that I'm an inspiration to them when I talk about working out and eating right.  That inspires me to keep pushing and moving forward with this goal.  The inspired inspires the inspirer and vice versa! It's a cycle of inspiration!!

What are your New Years Resolutions or are you looking to make Lifestyle Changes as well?

1 comment:

  1. This is really good! I've always loved New Year's Eve/Day. It always feels like a time to start fresh. Though we know that people and circumstances can't and don't change over night, there is something exciting about the possibility of transformation. I never usually have set resolutions but I do like to reflect and think ahead. 2012 was such a mind blowing year (in a good way) that I can only pray for God's continued favor. I do look forward to making some big strides in many areas of life with God leading the way. HAPPY 2013!!!
