Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I want to go to a gala

Earlier this year, I was inspired by my friend Jac to create a 30 before 30 list which basically consists of 30 things I want to do before I turn 30.  I have some really good stuff on the list, but am still deciding on a few things. I've even considered just doing a 30 Firsts before my 31st (I got that idea from another friend) to give me more time to complete the items on the list.  Well one of the things on my list is to go to a black tie gala and get really dressed up! I really really really want to do this!! I feel like every woman should have a moment of feeling beautiful, sexy, and amazing. In my opinion, being well dressed at an amazing event should do the trick!

Now yes, you can accomplish this on a small scale. I mean I find ways to feel this way on the regular, but going to a black time gala is on another level. These events are what you make them and I know I'd make it a magical moment in my life! It'd be ideal to attend a gala not only looking fabulous, but also accompanied by a handsome suitor. 

I was catching up on my Bih's blog and noticed that she is attending the 5th annual Ball on the Mall in Washington, DC this weekend! She went last year and looked fabulous! After reading the blog post, I immediately texted her asking about details and mentioned that I'd like to attend next year! Unfortunately, it was not in the cards for me to attend with her this year. I have set a reminder on my phone to remind her on April 1st of 2014 that I'd like to go with her next year. I'm so serious! I suppose it's for the best that I wasn't able to go this year because I wouldn't have had enough time to get the perfect outfit for the occasion. I would have had to throw something random together and would not have really experienced this event at the fullness of what I have always hoped for. Ah well, there's always next year and I'll be ready! 

Here are a few options I've already started looking at of dresses that I'd love to wear! And if these are two fancy, oh well...I'm turning up and getting as fancy as I wanna....at the gala! 



Sunday, April 28, 2013

Weekend life

This weekend has been rather eventful on a small scale, but I thoroughly enjoyed it all the same!  I'm not sure if I told y'all or not, but I live for small things that bring great joy! It doesn't take much to make me smile or make me happy!

My Friday evening consisted of another Bikram session followed by just some chill time at the house.  I got up rather early on Saturday and planned a full day of things to get into: exercise, go thrifting, eye doctor appointment, game night at Rob and Trina's.

I originally planned to go to an early morning Bikram class, but I ended up realizing that if I did that, I'd be gone from the house for more hours than I was willing to be gone for. Because I live outside of Charlottesville, when I go to town, I try to get everything done before heading back home. Once I get home, there is no going back to town unless something special requires that.

After I opted out of Bikram, I decided that I'd go for the suggested 6 mile run via my online training schedule. I kind of didn't want to go because I know that running around my entire neighborhood is only about 3 miles. To accomplish 6, that would mean I'd have to run the neighborhood twice and I didn't feel like doing that. Mainly because I felt like it'd be really monotonous. I also have a pinch of exercise ADD so I need to be somewhat entertained while exercising in order to keep going and accomplish what I came to do. I dragged myself out of the house anyway and decided I'd go as far as I could and do my best. To my surprise, there was a pack of older women running around my neighborhood Saturday morning. They must be training for the Charlottesville Women's 4 miler or something...well we'll say that for now.  Who knows!? Anyway, I decided I was going to follow them because I noticed they were running out of the neighborhood instead of around. I was several paces behind them so I went unnoticed (or at least I think I was unnoticed).  They crossed over into another neighborhood that is actually a gated community.  I always thought I was forbidden to travel over there since I don't live inside the gate.  Well when you're on foot, you can pretty much let yourself in! #score

I ended up losing the crowd because there were several roads to turn down and I saw no traces of the ladies after I got in the gate. Fine with me....I'm in now so I can fend for myself. I began running down the main road and seeing where it would take me. I really enjoyed running in this neighborhood because there were several streets to turn down and plenty of sights to see. I saw a whole family of deer in someone's yard just grazing on grass.  A pretty sight when you're running, but definitely not cool when you're driving in your car and one of them could possibly jet out in front of your vehicle. ugh...been there..done that...hated it!

This road I went down had tons of hills! In fact, rolling hills was the theme of the run.  I was not prepared for this, but I did my best. I think I did pretty good overall.  My breathing was steady and my pace was easy.  It was a beautiful day and I soaked in just enjoying life and being thankful to be alive as I ran.  And then...there was the stomach issues.
It seems as though as I begin to run, my shins don't hurt (I used to have that problem a lot), I'm not having any trouble with other limbs, muscles, or joints aching, BUT this stomach has been showing out!!! As I was running, maybe around mile 3.5, I started to experience some gastrointestinal issues. I won't get too graphic, but I'll just say my body basically told me to get my butt back home immediately!! I kind of ignored it a little bit because I wanted to get in at least 5 miles which I ended up getting in 5.26.  I was ok with that and walked back home from where I decided I'd stop.

I went for an easy 2.5 mile run today in the rain and everything was fine.It was a super easy run and I felt good when I was finished. Rain or shine, I must keep grinding because what if it rains on race day?? Maybe I ate too much before that run on Saturday (I had turkey bacon, oatmeal and a banana about an hour and 1/2 before the run).  This wasn't a meal that I ate because I knew I was going for a run. Perhaps next time I'll just eat something lighter and see how it goes.

Today I also did another session of Bikram after my run and it was awesome! I was kind of nervous about running 5 miles yesterday, then 2.5 today, followed by Bikram. I figured it'd be great to get a good stretch in after a run, but wasn't sure if I would be doing too much.  All was well and when I got home, I crashed for a 2 hour nap! A sistah was exhausted!!

Saturday night I went to a spades game night hosted by some of my church friends (Rob and Trina)! It was a really good time and I did pretty well on the spades table considering the fact that I haven't played in years.  Mainly because people get so upset when you mess up in spades and there is very minimal room for error or patience with players. People take it soooooo serious! Maybe as I get better at it, I'll become one of those people who will flip a table over if my partner reneges.  LOL j/k (that happened to me in high school...I was scarred for years as a result of it)
I believe the person who tweeted this was totally telling the truth! LOL

What did you do this weekend?

Friday, April 26, 2013

Sweat Envy and running

Today marked day 6 of going to Bikram. The past two days that I've went, class has seemed a lot easier than it's ever been. When I say easy, I mean dealing with the heat. The last two classes haven't seemed as hot as the first three. Perhaps my body is really getting used to the environment, but I'm not 100% sure.

During today's class, I noticed that I wasn't sweating nearly as much as I have before. It was also kind of bothering me because I felt like I wasn't working hard enough or something. I love a great sweat session when I'm doing any form of exercise because it makes me feel like I've accomplished great things.

I glanced over at a gentleman in the class who was perspiring profusely!! 
The girl next to me was dripping as well! I instantly got "sweat envy" because I just wasn't sweating enough. I will say that I must not underestimate the power of a yoga class though. After Wednesday's class, I didn't feel like I was working super hard, but Thursday morning, I felt sore. I'm sure I'll feel the same effect tomorrow morning (well I better).  Sore is good so it doesn't bother me.

My last day of my unlimited spree with Bikram ends on May 13th. After that date, I will be getting back in the gym to do more strength training and really focusing on running.  I ran 4 miles yesterday and did some Fartlek training and I'll probably do a 6 mile run on Sunday after church.

I'm really happy with my progress with the running. Last Saturday, I ran 3 miles and my pace was 9.20 minutes per mile!!! That's totally a personal record for me!! I find running to be easier for me now especially with my breathing.  I feel a little pain in my glutes sometimes and sometimes I get the "lead" leg syndrome, but overall, I'm proud of how far I've come!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I'm not even going to lie....

Today was my 3rd day of Bikram and it totally...SUCKED!!!! 

I'm going to try to give a summary of today without sounding like a whimpy, complaining, new-to-the-practice, wuss...but I can't make any promises.

I dipped out of a meeting a pinch early to make it to class on time since it's located downtown and I knew I had to find parking, possibly walk a few blocks to class, change clothes, and get in the hot room at least 10 minutes before class started.

Once I got in the hot room, I noticed the room was filling up with way more people than I was used to seeing in class. I felt like if the max occupancy of the room was 25, then 28 people were in there. I found a spot and laid on my mat until class began. The instructor today was Lizzy and she was super awesome and really sweet! Apparently today's class consisted of several new people who had never taken the class before.  I know this because of a few inferences that Lizzy made before we began. That's all good...welcome!

As class began, I IMMEDIATELY began to sweat!! Actually, I had a little roll of sweat falling off my body here and there before we even began. Now don't get me wrong, I don't mind sweating, but I'm just letting you all know that I'm convinced the temp was allllll dah way turnt up in there today!!! Maybe it was the regular temp plus all the extra bodies...who knows...just know it was a sweltering in there!

As we moved through each posture, I was starting to feel like I couldn't really get a full deep breath. The air felt really thick and warm.  I looked around and a few people had resorted to just laying on their mat and jumping back in when they could.  I didn't want to be one of those people, so I kept pushing through trying to ignore my discomfort.

I then thought drinking a little water would help, but it doesn't help to drink water when the temp of your water feels equivalent to bath water!!! Not only was I extremely overheated, the water was too! And you remember how I said I was going to try to work my way up to getting better at camel? This was my attempt at camel today...

Sans the blond hair and white skin....this is pretty much what I looked like. I'm going to be honest, I didn't even attempt to do camel today. I just said eff it and rolled over on my mat until the next posture.

I didn't have a hair tie for my hair, but I figured that since it was off my neck, I'd be alright. Uhhh nope! Totally sucked having all that hair everywhere and nothing to tie it back.  Perhaps that contributed to the over heating as well.  Once I walked out the class, I looked something like Michael Jackson in the Wiz.
I believe my face looked like that a few times as I gasped for air....

I was counting down the postures until we got to the very last breathing exercise and all I could think of was "so glad I made it....I made it through....I MADE IT THROUGH" *Marvin Sapp voice*

As soon as class was over, I opted out of laying on my mat to take in all that I had done as Lizzy suggested we do. Nope! I high tailed outta that batch and couldn't wait to breathe in the cool air awaiting me outside the doors of the hot room! It was the freshest breath I've ever taken! I was relieved!

In my car I had waiting for me a baggie of fresh veggies which was a hydration heaven to my body! I've recently gotten into eating raw bell peppers. I've seen a few kids at my school snacking on them and wondered if I would like them too. I am now HOOKED! They're so refreshing! Only downfall is that they're expensive as all get out, so I only purchase them on sale!

Here I have yellow and red bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, and carrots. 

And once I got home, the shower I took and dinner made me extremely happy! Dinner tonight consisted of:
Broccoli (I had more, but I started eating before taking this pic), my eggplant tuna melt, wrapped up in a Flat Out wrap.  Cooked eggplant gets rather soggy over a few days, so I just heated up my egg plant, cut it up, then put it in the wrap with the tuna and a little bit of feta cheese. #delish 

I do plan to go back on Friday because I ain't no quitter, but geez I hope Friday is nothing like today!! I guess some days are just better than others.

P.S. Don't let this post discourage you if you were considering Bikram.  My other experiences were better and I highly recommend you at least try it once or twice if you're curious!


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

My first official training day!

Since my new running shoes came in yesterday, I decided to start training for the my half marathon today! I have been highly anticipating officially getting started for a few days now! With the unlimited deal for Bikram, I have decided that on days that I can't make it to the yoga studio due to scheduling conflicts, then I will use those days to train for the half. 

Today I was scheduled to babysit from 5:15-8pm, but when I got to the house...no one was home. Uhhh....really?? So I call the lady and inquire about her whereabouts and she says "um, I have you down to sit for me on the 18th".  So I nicely reply (since this is my first time sitting for her) that the e-mails we exchanged clearly say, Tuesday, April 16th.  I was slightly blown at all of this because of course, I could have gone to Bikram tonight had it not been for rushing home to make it to this babysitting gig by 5:15.  

Either way, I am happy that I had a very productive first day of training.  I found a beginner's 12 week training schedule online for half marathon runners that I'm using.  The race is not until September 14th which is further than 12 weeks away, but since I've never ran further than 6 miles in one setting, I figured I'd start early. 

Today's session consisted of a 10 minute warm up and 1 minute hills (8x) running up the hill and walking back down. I was also supposed to finish it off with strides (4x), but I had to get going so I just jogged back to my car after the hills.  It took me about 40 minutes to do this and it wasn't too bad. I felt really accomplished when I was done and it was a great sweat session!! Having new running shoes was also an awesome addition to the run! I used to get serious shin splints when I would run, but with the Asics GT 2170's, I don't have that problem!

I wanted some cool colored running shoes, but the ones on sale and in my size simply came in all black...boo! No fun at all, but hey, shoes are shoes, and I'm not turning down a good sale just because of the color. I just took it upon myself to try to swag them out as much as I could by adding neon pink laces to them! It helped a little, but nothing too fancy.

Tomorrow will be a Bikram day which will be right on time since I will need the good stretch after all the hills. I think it'll be good to alternate running days and yoga days since Bih suggested that you most definitely place a large emphasis on stretching while training to prevent injury! 

So here we go! I'm off on a new fitness adventure and I'm going to give it all that I have!! :)

Sunday, April 14, 2013


First let me begin with saying I need to correct a statement I made on my last post about Bikram.  It's often called "hot yoga", but it's not the same thing as hot yoga.  Confused? Well let me explain how it was explained to me. Bikram is a practice of yoga that is done in a hot room (105 degrees), but every time you go, you do the same poses in the same sequence. Hot yoga on the other hand is the practice of yoga in a hot room as well, but every time you go, it will be different poses and different sequences of the poses. You do something different each time.

Now that that's cleared up...on to my experience!!!

My verdict is: I LOVED IT!!!!

It was suggested that I arrive at the studio 20 minutes prior to the start of class. I signed in and the girl at the front desk explained to me a few ground rules of the studio and I had to sign a waiver.  She basically told me that once I get into the "hot room", I should do as much as I can. Find a spot where someone who's done it before is visible because the instructor only tells you what to do, but does not demonstrate the moves. If I get light headed or nauseous  then I should just sit on my mat with my head above my heart and then get back into it whenever I feel comfortable. It's also recommended that when it's your first time, you should stay in the hot room for the entire 90 minutes even if you need to sit down or sit out so that your body can get used to the temperature in the room.

When I got into the women's changing area, I met a really nice lady who told me she had just began the practice 10 weeks ago. She is going through a divorce and said Bikram has really helped her feel more calm, relaxed, and just better about everything that's going on in her life. She also said she has lost 15 pounds and dropped 2 pants sizes since she started. She gave me a few helpful tips then we went into the hot room together.

My first reaction to the room was....it's hot in here, but it's not unbearable. I've sat in a sauna before and have had to get out because I feel like I can barely breathe in there because the air is so hot! Once I got inside the room and found a spot, everyone who was in there was just laying on their mat, face up, as if they were sunbathing. No talking is allowed in the hot room.  Since everyone looked as if they were  merely sunbathing while we waited for class to start, I put it in my mind that that was exactly where I was....out on the beach on a really hot summer's day!

Once class got started, I confidently removed my shirt and continued practicing in a sports bar and shorts. The less clothes you have on, the better since you're literally pouring in your own sweat while practicing. The man next to me was sweating so bad that his shorts looked like they were crying!!!

Now I'm sure you're thinking...105 degree room, lots of sweaty bodies....it probably stinks in there!! To be honest, it wasn't a bed of roses, but it wasn't unbearable. I did take a class at 9:45 in the morning so perhaps the participants showered before coming. Someone near me also smelled like fresh laundry. I really appreciated that whoever you are! :)

I was able to get through the majority of the poses with minimal problems. I did lose my balance a few times, but no biggie...it was the first day! One pose that gave me trouble is "camel".
I suppose this is how the pro does it, but most people in the class did it like so....

Even this way was a challenge for me. I simply placed my hands on my back and bent back as far as I could go.  This will have to be something I work up to.  I think it's because I'm on my knees AND trying to bend backwards....#difficult.

I also had a hard time simply lying on my stomach and trying to breathe.  I find it difficult to lay on hard services like a floor and breathe well no matter if I'm in a hot room or not.  There were many times when we had to simply lay on our belly, palms facing down, and our head to one side. I often had to come up on my elbows to get more breath in my body during those times.

After we did our final breathing exercises, I felt a huge sense of accomplishment! I felt like I had done something great! Something spectacular! I felt amazing as I walked out of the studio! It also helped that it was an absolutely gorgeous day in Charlottesville yesterday!!

I loved it so much that I went back today! While waiting for today's class to begin, I was chatting with another student, and when I told her I was here for the 2nd day in a row, she said "wow...looks like you're hooked"!  I thought that was rather funny because a lot of my friends who love the practice say it's addicting! I've already mapped out my schedule for the week to figure out when I can go again.  Unfortunately, I won't have time in my schedule along with when classes are offered to go again until Wednesday! Ah well...I'm excited about going again!!

Have you ever done Bikram or considered doing it? Share your experiences in the comment section!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Bikram Virgin

A few weeks ago, I bought a Living Social deal to have access to unlimited Bikram yoga classes for a month.  I have been waiting for the "perfect" opportunity to begin this adventure and decided this weekend would be "the moment".

If you're not familiar with Bikram, it's a practice of yoga also called "hot yoga" that is designed to warm, stretch, and strengthen muscles, ligaments, and tendons in a room that is heated to a whopping 105 degrees... FAHRENHEIT!

I have done yoga before, but I have never done Bikram! I have a few thoughts of what I'm imagining it to be like, but of course, while sharing the fact that I'm doing this, I have gotten several reviews from others. Of course, some love it and rant and rave about the benefits of doing it and some hate it with a passion! I decided it was time to take my fitness goals to new heights and decided that I wanted to give this a try. I'm hoping that I can stand to go at least 4 days a week for this month long deal that I have purchased.  If I can stand to go for more days and my schedule permits, then of course, I'll take on the challenge.

I'm really excited about class tomorrow! I am opting to go to the 9:45am class since I have some other obligations during the rest of the day.

What I have here is the outfit I plan to wear, a towel, and my new yoga mat! I plan to be as comfortable as possible with my outfit since I want to be sure to focus completely on the class and not having to worry about what I'm wearing.  On second thought, I might have to change this outfit since these shorts are really big and if I'm going to be sweating, I don't want to have to worry about my pants falling off during class.  I was advised by several people to bring a towel with me too.  I have my water in the freezer chilling right now and will be bringing that along for the ride since hydration is strongly recommended...well duh! 

My plan is to do my very best and to go at my own pace. One of my coworkers was telling me to do what I can and don't try to keep up with the other people in group because you'll end up hurting yourself that way.  Another coworker said "it's gentle stretching so if you're forcing it, you need to chill out because you're doing too much".  I'll be sure to take these thoughts with me tomorrow.

I will also be blogging about my experience! I'm ready!! Stay tuned...

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

It's official....1/2 marathon here I come!

I'm proud to say that I have met my very first fitness goal which was to get down to my goal weight of 175 pounds! This takes me to a total weight loss of about 22 pounds! After achieving my goal, I knew it was time for a new fitness goal to keep me on track! 

I believe that once you achieve one goal, it's time to move on to another! I had been talking to a friend about running a 1/2 marathon and she told me about the Run Like A Diva 1/2 marathon and 5K (website here ). It's being held on September 14th in Wine Country in Washington, DC.  

I checked out the website and found this race to be extremely exciting and why not have your very first 1/2 marathon be something fun and exciting??? Well I had been kind of dragging my feet on registering, but finally yesterday, I took the plunge and I DID IT!!! There's no turning back now because I have paid for the event and there are no refunds! If you know me, then you know I am not the one to waste money, so it's a done deal!

With that being said, I'm ready to start training! I was directed to a page on Facebook that offers running tips and also there was a post for a 1/2 marathon training schedule for beginners! It's a 12 week program and looks pretty doable! I'm excited to get started...but first....I need new running shoes!

Any runner will tell you that good running shoes are imperative especially if you're going to be running for long distances.  Any pair just won't do!! Ain't nobody got time for injuries either so I knew it was something that I have to get on ASAP!! 


Today after work, I went to a running store to be fitted for a new pair of shoes (even though I already have been fitted before, I just wanted to go again to be sure nothing has changed).  The sales associate was very knowledgeable and kind and offered me another variation of the shoes that I currently own.  Of course the shoes were super cute (I love a bright colored shoe), but the only problem was the price!! I just couldn't afford to pay over $100 for shoes right now. I told him that I would need to think about it and would come back at another time.  Of course me being Frugal Frannie, I went online to search to see if I could find the shoes in my size somewhere for a cheaper price.  Well God was definitely looking out when I found a pair for $50 less than they were in the store.  The only thing is that I didn't really like the color that I had to get (only pair in my size), but I will just have to get over that and just jazz these up with some neon shoelaces or something! 

Best part is that the site I ordered my shoes from provided free shipping AND no taxes!!! Woop woop!!! I can't wait to get them so I can start training!! I'm going to be doing a lot of educating myself on tips for runners because I want to do my best and most of all, I don't want to get injured! I'm praying the blood of Jesus over me during this new adventure and I'm super excited about accomplishing yet another fitness goal!

Stay tuned for progress updates!!! 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Lessons and blessings....

On Sunday, many of us celebrated the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Along with going to church on this holy day, many of us also engaged in a large Easter feast with family and friends. Easter also brings tons of treats wrapped up nicely in a basket with bright colors and lots of sugar.  

Although I'm living a lifestyle of eating clean and working out, I was not exempt from partaking in a good ol' time on Easter Sunday fellowshipping with good people and good food. I considered the feast my "cheat day".  I had candy, cake, mac and cheese, baked chicken, mashed sweet potatoes, rice, broccoli, asparagus, deviled eggs, and then I went in for a second plate!! After I got home, I had planned to digest then get up and go to the gym in a few hours. Of course I felt totally sluggish and ended up not going to the gym at all.  

When I got settled in at home, I decided to catch up with my Instagram account.  To encourage my followers and show that I am not perfect in this journey of getting fit, I fully admitted that I went IN at dinner and was totally off my diet.  I posted two posts that were taken from other accounts to express my sentiments.  One posts stated "begs for cheat meal day to come; has cheat meal, "I'm a fat f*&@#ing loser".  And the second one was taken from a favorite fitness account that said "I don't care if you ate Charlie's whole g*^d@mn chocolate factory. Don't give up!"  

Many of my fitness inspired followers either liked these pics or commented on how they needed to see this or how they felt the same way, etc. 
And then there was that one comment.  shhhhrrreeeecccchhhh 
(imagine the breaks of a car screeching ..lol) 
One of my [former] followers commented on the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory post saying something along the lines of "one word to describe you baby...Christian. And now this post...#unfollowing. No offense...I still support you"....something like that. I deleted it so I can't remember it word for word. 

The user who posted this is a total stranger whom I've never met before. I thought she was a coworker of my best friend when I allowed her to follow me, but according to my bestie, she has no idea who this woman is. I was taken completely ABACK when I saw her comment!!! Ok I'll admit, I was highly offended!!! I was  on the phone with my bestie when I saw it and went OFF!!! I had a few choice words that I wanted to say back to this woman because I felt like she totally judged me off of one post which was a repost and essentially I felt like my walk with God was being questioned. 

Although I don't know this woman and I should not have been offended, I was. Mainly because I didn't like the fact that she would chose to completely disassociate with me because of that. My defense was that I didn't make the post or choose to use that language.  I just found the overall message to be inspiring in that it encourages us not to give up on our fitness goals only because we had a bad eating day.  I've seen the post several times on IG worded differently from other users, but this one just happened to come across my timeline that day and I reposted it.  I also read it quickly and wasn't sure if it said godd@&# or GOTd@%#.  I just reposted it. 

Clearly the word is offensive in that is seen as using the Lord's name in vain.  And again, I don't use the word at all or condone others to use it, but one thing I realized is that once I reposted it, it showed that I did condone it. I wanted to hit this user with several scriptures from the Bible especially Romans 3:23 that states all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and also John 8:7 that says he who is without sin, cast the first stone. I also wanted to say some other sarcastic and ungodly things to this person. 

After I calmed down, I decided to just delete the post all together.  I recently taught a lesson to my students about self-respect. I talked to them about acting in a way that shows they love and respect their self, but also to act in a way that shows others you love and respect yourself. Sometimes we do things that we think is harmless, but someone else may feel like it is highly offensive and will further judge your character because of it. Now of course we can't go around living our lives to be pleasing to others for everything because clearly that is impossible with so many different opinions on ways of living out there. However, I did take this as a lesson to myself that I am a representation of God and with all of my actions and words, I want to draw people to him, not away.  So even though the post might not have been a big deal to people who actually matter to me, one was offended and I learned to watch my actions.  Although I didn't create the original post, when I reposted it, I became associated with it. 

This was a humbling experience and served as a check and balance for me.  It showed me that what I teach my students, I need to be remembering that for myself. I talk to them all the time about being careful with what they post on the internet because it's a representation of them.  This situation may seem sooooo petty and small, but I looked at the bigger picture.  It's true...people come in your life for a reason and season.  That user no longer follows me so I won't get anymore feedback from her, but I did learn something from this situation for bigger things to come in my life. There may be an even bigger circumstance/situation that happens in my life where I will need to remember this situation and think twice before I act or say something.  There are blessings and lessons in every situation if you are willing to slow and find/see them. :)