Monday, November 4, 2013


This weekend while visiting one of my sorority sisters, I had the opportunity to get hooked on one of the best shows on television....(yes, I'm like 3 seasons!)....SCANDAL!!!

I'm sure you're wondering why the heck have I not been on this kick before this weekend!? Well in my defense, it comes on at a time when I'm usually in bed (10pm) and I'm not a huge tv watcher. I'm usually coming home from work, hitting the gym, then trying to relax a little before heading to bed no later than 9:30 on most nights. I value getting a full night's rest and not being tired and groggy in the morning. 

Either way, I started watching this over the weekend and I am HOOKED!!! When I got back home today, I got a Netflix account and am currently catching up on all the shows so that I can be all caught up in at least another week. I'm on Season 2, epi 4 right now. 

The show is so addicting and awesomely written!!! Right now, my favorite character is duh...Olivia Pope! Mainly for the fact that she handles business, has an awesome sense of fashion, and she's a woman in charge! Her presence is impeccable and Kerry Washington is truly doing her thang in this role!!

My second fav is Harrison!! Mainly because he's so handsome and those suspenders that he wears on every episode are sexy as hell!!! He's also basically just eye candy, but I do like his role on the show as well!

I can't wait to get all caught up! I think I'll watch another episode or two tonight, then try to get a few more in tomorrow! 

Welcome to November....slooooooowing down

September and October has been two months of me being constantly on the go and my social calendar bumping and booming with all kinds of great things to get into.  Now I've finally made it to November where it all slows down....and I'm 100% perfectly fine with that!!!

I have been gone every single weekend in the month of October.  For the past 3 weeks, I've been in the DC/Maryland/Northern Virginia area.  I am literally all traveled out right about now! This weekend, I went up for the final time (for a while) to visit my sister for her birthday.  I didn't get back until this morning and went straight to work! I'm grade A...exhausted!! 

For the month of November, I have plans for two weekends, and the other two weekends, I have literally scheduled a my own home....with absolutely no plans!!! And I'm super looking forward to it!!! If I had my own, selfish way, I would make this entire month a scheduled "no plans for the weekend" ordeal.  This weekend coming up is my first weekend in months that I haven't had any plans at all! I'm sooooo looking forward to waking up in my own bed on a Saturday morning when my body feels like getting up and not when someone else is waking me up! I haven't slept-in in forever! 

Since tomorrow is election day, I have the day off so I plan to lounge around, catch up on Scandal, go vote, and hit the gym. I do need to go grocery shopping and do some cooking so I'll also add that to the plans, but as you can see, this schedule for tomorrow is very minimal compared to what I've been up to lately!

I'm not complaining about my social calendar at all....I just really do appreciate alone time from time to time and welcome it! Even if it means I have to schedule it to ensure it'll happen! 

Black Girls Rock!

On October 26th, one of my wildest dreams came true! I attended the taping of Black Girls Rock in Newark, NJ!!! In November of 2010, I watched this phenomenal awards show that showcases and highlights black women/girls who are doing amazing things in their community and in the lives of others.  It's a star studded event, yet it doesn't just highlight women/girls who have celebrity status. It's celebrates and portrays a positive image of the black girl and it's an incredible movement! 

When I first saw the show for the first time on BET, I was memorized!!! I was completely supportive of the moment and what it stood for and I also badly wanted to one day, attend the taping of the awards show. 

Since that day, I have thought and searched, and Google'd, and wrecked my brain trying to figure out how I could get tickets to this event. Then one day, I decided I would e-mail Black Girls Rock and inquire about it. Low and behold, a month later, I got a response and it was an invitation to attend the taping!!!! 


I mean, somebody pinch me....this is happening!!! Ok so fast forward, I open the e-mail and I'm directed to a page where I can purchase tickets. The ticket prices range from $50-$500 with all proceeds going towards the BGR community programs. And another piece of all of this was, I didn't get this e-mail until 2 weeks before the date of the taping. Luckily, I didn't have plans for the last weekend of October, so I was available to make a spontaneous decision to go! #score

Being there to watch the taping of the show was nothing short of amazing! One of my favorite actresses, Tracee Ellis Ross was a host (ahhhhhhhhhhhh I love her) which totally made being there even more amazing!!! And just being surrounded by so much positivity and awesomeness was what made actually going an experience in my life that will go down in the books!  I'm so thankful and blessed to have had this opportunity!!! 

Special shout out and huge thank you to my Bih for coming through with those tickets!!!!

Here are a few pics from the evening.  I wasn't able to take many because we were actually strictly forbidden to take any pictures while the show was going on. I snuck a few though, but I did uphold the promise to not post them until after the show had aired on television so I wouldn't be a spoiler!!

One of the biggest highlights of the night was when the cast from Girlfriends came out!!! I looooove that show!! 

Patti LaBelle performing!! 

A few flicks of me and Bih before the show!