Friday, June 14, 2013

Summer reading

One thing about me is that I live for summer reading!! I love to read and escape in a really good book! I particularly love to read fiction or memoirs over the summer to keep it light and interesting. I also crave knowledge and learning new things, so reading nonfiction and books that will teach me something are also welcomed. This summer, my goal is to read at least 2 books/week (ok maybe one...whatever...I'm reading as much as I can). Ok, ok, ok, ok....the library lets you keep the books for 3 weeks so I'll say as many books as I check out, I need to be done with them before the 3 weeks are up! No renewals unless it's absolutely necessary! 

My other goal is to not just read for pleasure, but to read books that will increase my knowledge about a certain subject. Right now I have 3 books checked out from the library that are occupying my time.
I'm currently reading (at the same d@mn time):

The Saving Graces by Patricia Gaffney
Creating Your Best Life: The Ultimate Life List Guide by Caroline Miller and Dr. Michael Frisch
The Starbucks Experience by Joseph Michelli

The Saving Graces is a book about four women who are really good friends and all the things that happen within their lives.  It kind of reminds me of a white version of Waiting to Exhale.


Except...thus far...there is no Angela Bassett character burning up her cheating ex-husband's vehicle with all his ish packed inside. 

With reading Creating Your Best Life, I have two other friends reading with me. We discuss the book and there are little homework assignments at the end of each chapter that the books suggests you do.  I'm on chapter 4 and thus far it's a really good book. It's about making life lists (aka bucket lists) of things that you want to accomplish or do before the end of your life. It also talks about happiness and basically how to live the best life!

I picked up The Starbucks Experience yesterday while at the library.  I wasn't going to check out any more books until I finished these other two books, but once I started reading, I couldn't put it back on the shelf. So I checked it out and brought it home. This book is about the company Starbucks and what makes it so successful. I think it's an excellent book if you're an aspiring business owner or if you already own a business. Even if you never want to own a business, if you have a job, I think you should read it.  I think it can change anyone's life in the world of work for the best if they apply the principles.  

Stay tuned for the other books that I'll be reading this summer! If you have any suggestions on books you're reading, let me know! 


  1. I'm reading Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell, Things I wish I'd Known Before We Got Married (Chapman), Everyday ICON, (Betts) and the Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks and Squeeze the Most Out of Your Money: A No-Nonsense Money Management System to Maximize Your Dollar and Minimize Your Stress by Patricia Stallworth!

    You list looks awesome tho. I will add a few to my fall list...but happy reading ASH ;)

  2. How are those books for you, Mia!? Did you like any of them or recommend me to read them as well? I started the Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks last summer, but didn't finish it. It was informative, but I was more into reading nonfiction last summer than anything else. I've heard the Outliers is good as well. Thanks for commenting! :)
