Monday, March 3, 2014

Hello, 30!

Last week, I turned 30!! I have officially made it to another decade and I am beyond excited about taking on this new era in my life! I have learned so much about life and myself in my 20s. I am thankful for every mistake and lesson learned that has ultimately led me to be a better person.

I celebrated my birthday with friends and had a really good time doing it. We didn't do anything too big, but it was definitely a nice celebration and I appreciated the love. My friends are so good to me and I am very blessed to have them in my life!

I'm truly looking forward to the years to come, the expected growth, good health, wealth, and prosperity. There are so many things that I want to accomplish this year! Although they are my plans, I want to be sure I'm operating in God's will.  There are many plans that I have had for myself in my 20s that didn't quite go as I wanted them to.  With that being said, I am working daily to accept what God has for me.  I know his plans for my life are for my good and will work out better than anything I could plan for myself. I have an attitude of gratitude and couldn't be happier at this point in my life.

I did some reading back to my old posts and came across some moments of not so happy times.  I realized that even though my life has been filled with highlights and smiles, I know the rain will come too. I have learned how to navigate my way through disappointment and encourage my way out of unfavorable situations. I even cheered myself up by reading a previous post I wrote a few months ago reminding me that every bad situation will eventually come to pass.

Two people asked me what my goals were for this next decade and initially I didn't have a true concrete answer. I thought about it more and decided that my goal is to take the limits off of my thinking. To take risks and to live my best life! I feel like I've done a decent job at embracing that mentality towards the end of my 20s, so I want to continue having that same attitude. I thought about making a separate blog to highlight my 30s, but I think I'll just keep it going with this one.

Stay tuned for the adventures that are coming my way! I'm looking forward to living and sharing and hope you enjoy reading!

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