Thursday, January 24, 2013

Snow Day!!!!

It appears to be that January and Mother Nature are really getting to work and delivering us some true winter weather out here in Central Virginia! For the past couple of mornings, I've been extremely motivated to get up before my alarm goes off to get downstairs and complete yet another day of my Ripped in 30 DVD by Jillian Michaels.  I've been going to bed rather early and mentally preparing myself to rise at 5:00am and exercise.  Last night I went to bed at a fairly reasonable hour, but this morning I was dog tired!! I was awakened by my alarm and couldn't believe the hour had come to get up.  I laid in bed for a few minutes trying to collect myself and then the self talk began.

Of course, I first tried to talk myself out of working out. I was so tired and on top of that...I'm SORE!! I've been going rather hard in the gym and my body is really feeling it! Just yesterday, I taught a classroom guidance lesson to my 4th graders about perseverance.  We did an activity where I had the kids think of something they really wanted to achieve and they were instructed to write this down in the middle of their paper.  On the left side, I told them to write down any negative thoughts they may have or any negative things someone might say to them to discourage them from achieving their goal.  On the right side, I told them to write down as many positive thoughts or encouraging words that would push them towards continuing to work towards the goal even though it's hard.  This morning, I thought about that activity and encouraged myself to get up and get it done even though I was tired.

I felt amazing after I was done! I felt a true sense of accomplishment and felt powerful! Stronger even! As soon as I got back upstairs to prepare to get ready to go to work, I get a text from 3 of my coworkers saying school is closed!! I had no idea we were expecting a snow storm...well I heard it was supposed to start tomorrow after school had let out .  Looks like Mother Nature psyched us out and came a little early!

So now I have the day off and I've already got my workout in for the day! Talk about feeling AMAZING!!! I have the rest of the day to do what I want to do and just lounge around the house! I will be getting some work done for school ( at home rarely gets done over here).  All of my meals are already planned out for the day since had we gone to school today, I had a full day and a meeting after school that wouldn't get me back home until after 7pm. So that meant I would be traveling with morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner. So today is all about relaxing, enjoying some me time, and I will commit to getting some work done for school.

If you're off today, what are you getting into? If you're traveling to and from work, please be safe out there if the roads are hazardous! Whatever you do, be safe, stay warm, and have a fantastic day!

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