Saturday, January 19, 2013

Workout DVDs ON SALE!!!

I wasn't planning on posting another blog tonight, but I had to share this information I just stumbled across!!! Now some of you may feel like you want to get in shape and you want to lose weight, but a gym membership is out of your budget. I totally get that! I have put off joining a gym for a long time because I wasn't sure if I was going to use it, and most gyms charge a whopping $50 or more per month for membership.  With the new social security changes to our checks, I'm sure we can all stand to save a dollar or two if you know what I mean!

Well I'm a huge fan of Jillian Michaels which I have talked about in previous posts.  I am also a fan of Bob Harper (from the Biggest Loser).  I have purchased a few of Bob's DVDs in the past either from his website or from local stores like Walmart and Target.  Just your luck, Bob is running a sale on his DVDs right now!! Some of them are 80% off right now!! They are usually priced at $19.99 plus shipping, but right now there are several on sale for ONLY $3.99!!! Talk about a DEAL!! I have purchased two of his DVDs and highly recommend them! I have Beginner's Weight Loss Transformation and Kettlebell Sculpted Body! If you've never used a kettlebell, please look into getting one and getting in on this amazing, dynamic, body sculpting tool!! You can purchase kettlebells at TJ Maxx and Marshall's! They cost about $.99/pound i.e. a 5 lb bell costs you about $4.99 at these stores.  Now I will warn you, neither of these DVDs are for beginners (even though it says it), BUT here's the good news: DO WHAT YOU CAN!!! Go at your own pace and give it all you've got! Start off with either no weights (do only your body weight) and then work your way up to using weights.

If you have the extra cash, I say get all the DVDs because they have never been this low (to my knowledge).  When I bought mine, I got them for $5.00/DVD on sale. There is also a 4 pack that he's selling for $14.99 that is usually $59.96.  If that's not a deal, I don't know what is!

Another good source of DVDs are the Biggest Loser series.  I got mine from Burlington Coat Factory for like $3.99/DVD.  They may have been $2.99/DVD.  The thing I like most about about The Biggest Loser set is that the people doing the workouts are highly overweight and if they can do it, I can too! Now yes, they grunt and groan and look like it's killing them, but it's very inspirational to workout with them (real people who want to get fit) and a change of scenery compared to working out with people who already have those ripped bodies and make the workout look effortless.

Again, here is Bob's website in case you want to get in on this fantastic deal Bob's website!! Hurry because I don't know when the sale goes off! Follow him on Twitter: @MyTrainerBob too to get information on when he's having a sale again if you can't participate this time around!!  He's also on Facebook!!

Thank me later! :)

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