Friday, April 12, 2013

Bikram Virgin

A few weeks ago, I bought a Living Social deal to have access to unlimited Bikram yoga classes for a month.  I have been waiting for the "perfect" opportunity to begin this adventure and decided this weekend would be "the moment".

If you're not familiar with Bikram, it's a practice of yoga also called "hot yoga" that is designed to warm, stretch, and strengthen muscles, ligaments, and tendons in a room that is heated to a whopping 105 degrees... FAHRENHEIT!

I have done yoga before, but I have never done Bikram! I have a few thoughts of what I'm imagining it to be like, but of course, while sharing the fact that I'm doing this, I have gotten several reviews from others. Of course, some love it and rant and rave about the benefits of doing it and some hate it with a passion! I decided it was time to take my fitness goals to new heights and decided that I wanted to give this a try. I'm hoping that I can stand to go at least 4 days a week for this month long deal that I have purchased.  If I can stand to go for more days and my schedule permits, then of course, I'll take on the challenge.

I'm really excited about class tomorrow! I am opting to go to the 9:45am class since I have some other obligations during the rest of the day.

What I have here is the outfit I plan to wear, a towel, and my new yoga mat! I plan to be as comfortable as possible with my outfit since I want to be sure to focus completely on the class and not having to worry about what I'm wearing.  On second thought, I might have to change this outfit since these shorts are really big and if I'm going to be sweating, I don't want to have to worry about my pants falling off during class.  I was advised by several people to bring a towel with me too.  I have my water in the freezer chilling right now and will be bringing that along for the ride since hydration is strongly recommended...well duh! 

My plan is to do my very best and to go at my own pace. One of my coworkers was telling me to do what I can and don't try to keep up with the other people in group because you'll end up hurting yourself that way.  Another coworker said "it's gentle stretching so if you're forcing it, you need to chill out because you're doing too much".  I'll be sure to take these thoughts with me tomorrow.

I will also be blogging about my experience! I'm ready!! Stay tuned...

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