Sunday, April 14, 2013


First let me begin with saying I need to correct a statement I made on my last post about Bikram.  It's often called "hot yoga", but it's not the same thing as hot yoga.  Confused? Well let me explain how it was explained to me. Bikram is a practice of yoga that is done in a hot room (105 degrees), but every time you go, you do the same poses in the same sequence. Hot yoga on the other hand is the practice of yoga in a hot room as well, but every time you go, it will be different poses and different sequences of the poses. You do something different each time.

Now that that's cleared up...on to my experience!!!

My verdict is: I LOVED IT!!!!

It was suggested that I arrive at the studio 20 minutes prior to the start of class. I signed in and the girl at the front desk explained to me a few ground rules of the studio and I had to sign a waiver.  She basically told me that once I get into the "hot room", I should do as much as I can. Find a spot where someone who's done it before is visible because the instructor only tells you what to do, but does not demonstrate the moves. If I get light headed or nauseous  then I should just sit on my mat with my head above my heart and then get back into it whenever I feel comfortable. It's also recommended that when it's your first time, you should stay in the hot room for the entire 90 minutes even if you need to sit down or sit out so that your body can get used to the temperature in the room.

When I got into the women's changing area, I met a really nice lady who told me she had just began the practice 10 weeks ago. She is going through a divorce and said Bikram has really helped her feel more calm, relaxed, and just better about everything that's going on in her life. She also said she has lost 15 pounds and dropped 2 pants sizes since she started. She gave me a few helpful tips then we went into the hot room together.

My first reaction to the room's hot in here, but it's not unbearable. I've sat in a sauna before and have had to get out because I feel like I can barely breathe in there because the air is so hot! Once I got inside the room and found a spot, everyone who was in there was just laying on their mat, face up, as if they were sunbathing. No talking is allowed in the hot room.  Since everyone looked as if they were  merely sunbathing while we waited for class to start, I put it in my mind that that was exactly where I was....out on the beach on a really hot summer's day!

Once class got started, I confidently removed my shirt and continued practicing in a sports bar and shorts. The less clothes you have on, the better since you're literally pouring in your own sweat while practicing. The man next to me was sweating so bad that his shorts looked like they were crying!!!

Now I'm sure you're thinking...105 degree room, lots of sweaty probably stinks in there!! To be honest, it wasn't a bed of roses, but it wasn't unbearable. I did take a class at 9:45 in the morning so perhaps the participants showered before coming. Someone near me also smelled like fresh laundry. I really appreciated that whoever you are! :)

I was able to get through the majority of the poses with minimal problems. I did lose my balance a few times, but no was the first day! One pose that gave me trouble is "camel".
I suppose this is how the pro does it, but most people in the class did it like so....

Even this way was a challenge for me. I simply placed my hands on my back and bent back as far as I could go.  This will have to be something I work up to.  I think it's because I'm on my knees AND trying to bend backwards....#difficult.

I also had a hard time simply lying on my stomach and trying to breathe.  I find it difficult to lay on hard services like a floor and breathe well no matter if I'm in a hot room or not.  There were many times when we had to simply lay on our belly, palms facing down, and our head to one side. I often had to come up on my elbows to get more breath in my body during those times.

After we did our final breathing exercises, I felt a huge sense of accomplishment! I felt like I had done something great! Something spectacular! I felt amazing as I walked out of the studio! It also helped that it was an absolutely gorgeous day in Charlottesville yesterday!!

I loved it so much that I went back today! While waiting for today's class to begin, I was chatting with another student, and when I told her I was here for the 2nd day in a row, she said "wow...looks like you're hooked"!  I thought that was rather funny because a lot of my friends who love the practice say it's addicting! I've already mapped out my schedule for the week to figure out when I can go again.  Unfortunately, I won't have time in my schedule along with when classes are offered to go again until Wednesday! Ah well...I'm excited about going again!!

Have you ever done Bikram or considered doing it? Share your experiences in the comment section!

1 comment:

  1. I really would like to get into yoga. I need to just get up and do it. I've heard a lot of good things about hot yoga.
