Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I want to go to a gala

Earlier this year, I was inspired by my friend Jac to create a 30 before 30 list which basically consists of 30 things I want to do before I turn 30.  I have some really good stuff on the list, but am still deciding on a few things. I've even considered just doing a 30 Firsts before my 31st (I got that idea from another friend) to give me more time to complete the items on the list.  Well one of the things on my list is to go to a black tie gala and get really dressed up! I really really really want to do this!! I feel like every woman should have a moment of feeling beautiful, sexy, and amazing. In my opinion, being well dressed at an amazing event should do the trick!

Now yes, you can accomplish this on a small scale. I mean I find ways to feel this way on the regular, but going to a black time gala is on another level. These events are what you make them and I know I'd make it a magical moment in my life! It'd be ideal to attend a gala not only looking fabulous, but also accompanied by a handsome suitor. 

I was catching up on my Bih's blog and noticed that she is attending the 5th annual Ball on the Mall in Washington, DC this weekend! She went last year and looked fabulous! After reading the blog post, I immediately texted her asking about details and mentioned that I'd like to attend next year! Unfortunately, it was not in the cards for me to attend with her this year. I have set a reminder on my phone to remind her on April 1st of 2014 that I'd like to go with her next year. I'm so serious! I suppose it's for the best that I wasn't able to go this year because I wouldn't have had enough time to get the perfect outfit for the occasion. I would have had to throw something random together and would not have really experienced this event at the fullness of what I have always hoped for. Ah well, there's always next year and I'll be ready! 

Here are a few options I've already started looking at of dresses that I'd love to wear! And if these are two fancy, oh well...I'm turning up and getting as fancy as I wanna....at the gala! 



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