Sunday, April 28, 2013

Weekend life

This weekend has been rather eventful on a small scale, but I thoroughly enjoyed it all the same!  I'm not sure if I told y'all or not, but I live for small things that bring great joy! It doesn't take much to make me smile or make me happy!

My Friday evening consisted of another Bikram session followed by just some chill time at the house.  I got up rather early on Saturday and planned a full day of things to get into: exercise, go thrifting, eye doctor appointment, game night at Rob and Trina's.

I originally planned to go to an early morning Bikram class, but I ended up realizing that if I did that, I'd be gone from the house for more hours than I was willing to be gone for. Because I live outside of Charlottesville, when I go to town, I try to get everything done before heading back home. Once I get home, there is no going back to town unless something special requires that.

After I opted out of Bikram, I decided that I'd go for the suggested 6 mile run via my online training schedule. I kind of didn't want to go because I know that running around my entire neighborhood is only about 3 miles. To accomplish 6, that would mean I'd have to run the neighborhood twice and I didn't feel like doing that. Mainly because I felt like it'd be really monotonous. I also have a pinch of exercise ADD so I need to be somewhat entertained while exercising in order to keep going and accomplish what I came to do. I dragged myself out of the house anyway and decided I'd go as far as I could and do my best. To my surprise, there was a pack of older women running around my neighborhood Saturday morning. They must be training for the Charlottesville Women's 4 miler or something...well we'll say that for now.  Who knows!? Anyway, I decided I was going to follow them because I noticed they were running out of the neighborhood instead of around. I was several paces behind them so I went unnoticed (or at least I think I was unnoticed).  They crossed over into another neighborhood that is actually a gated community.  I always thought I was forbidden to travel over there since I don't live inside the gate.  Well when you're on foot, you can pretty much let yourself in! #score

I ended up losing the crowd because there were several roads to turn down and I saw no traces of the ladies after I got in the gate. Fine with me....I'm in now so I can fend for myself. I began running down the main road and seeing where it would take me. I really enjoyed running in this neighborhood because there were several streets to turn down and plenty of sights to see. I saw a whole family of deer in someone's yard just grazing on grass.  A pretty sight when you're running, but definitely not cool when you're driving in your car and one of them could possibly jet out in front of your vehicle. ugh...been there..done that...hated it!

This road I went down had tons of hills! In fact, rolling hills was the theme of the run.  I was not prepared for this, but I did my best. I think I did pretty good overall.  My breathing was steady and my pace was easy.  It was a beautiful day and I soaked in just enjoying life and being thankful to be alive as I ran.  And then...there was the stomach issues.
It seems as though as I begin to run, my shins don't hurt (I used to have that problem a lot), I'm not having any trouble with other limbs, muscles, or joints aching, BUT this stomach has been showing out!!! As I was running, maybe around mile 3.5, I started to experience some gastrointestinal issues. I won't get too graphic, but I'll just say my body basically told me to get my butt back home immediately!! I kind of ignored it a little bit because I wanted to get in at least 5 miles which I ended up getting in 5.26.  I was ok with that and walked back home from where I decided I'd stop.

I went for an easy 2.5 mile run today in the rain and everything was fine.It was a super easy run and I felt good when I was finished. Rain or shine, I must keep grinding because what if it rains on race day?? Maybe I ate too much before that run on Saturday (I had turkey bacon, oatmeal and a banana about an hour and 1/2 before the run).  This wasn't a meal that I ate because I knew I was going for a run. Perhaps next time I'll just eat something lighter and see how it goes.

Today I also did another session of Bikram after my run and it was awesome! I was kind of nervous about running 5 miles yesterday, then 2.5 today, followed by Bikram. I figured it'd be great to get a good stretch in after a run, but wasn't sure if I would be doing too much.  All was well and when I got home, I crashed for a 2 hour nap! A sistah was exhausted!!

Saturday night I went to a spades game night hosted by some of my church friends (Rob and Trina)! It was a really good time and I did pretty well on the spades table considering the fact that I haven't played in years.  Mainly because people get so upset when you mess up in spades and there is very minimal room for error or patience with players. People take it soooooo serious! Maybe as I get better at it, I'll become one of those people who will flip a table over if my partner reneges.  LOL j/k (that happened to me in high school...I was scarred for years as a result of it)
I believe the person who tweeted this was totally telling the truth! LOL

What did you do this weekend?

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