Wednesday, April 17, 2013

I'm not even going to lie....

Today was my 3rd day of Bikram and it totally...SUCKED!!!! 

I'm going to try to give a summary of today without sounding like a whimpy, complaining, new-to-the-practice, wuss...but I can't make any promises.

I dipped out of a meeting a pinch early to make it to class on time since it's located downtown and I knew I had to find parking, possibly walk a few blocks to class, change clothes, and get in the hot room at least 10 minutes before class started.

Once I got in the hot room, I noticed the room was filling up with way more people than I was used to seeing in class. I felt like if the max occupancy of the room was 25, then 28 people were in there. I found a spot and laid on my mat until class began. The instructor today was Lizzy and she was super awesome and really sweet! Apparently today's class consisted of several new people who had never taken the class before.  I know this because of a few inferences that Lizzy made before we began. That's all good...welcome!

As class began, I IMMEDIATELY began to sweat!! Actually, I had a little roll of sweat falling off my body here and there before we even began. Now don't get me wrong, I don't mind sweating, but I'm just letting you all know that I'm convinced the temp was allllll dah way turnt up in there today!!! Maybe it was the regular temp plus all the extra bodies...who knows...just know it was a sweltering in there!

As we moved through each posture, I was starting to feel like I couldn't really get a full deep breath. The air felt really thick and warm.  I looked around and a few people had resorted to just laying on their mat and jumping back in when they could.  I didn't want to be one of those people, so I kept pushing through trying to ignore my discomfort.

I then thought drinking a little water would help, but it doesn't help to drink water when the temp of your water feels equivalent to bath water!!! Not only was I extremely overheated, the water was too! And you remember how I said I was going to try to work my way up to getting better at camel? This was my attempt at camel today...

Sans the blond hair and white skin....this is pretty much what I looked like. I'm going to be honest, I didn't even attempt to do camel today. I just said eff it and rolled over on my mat until the next posture.

I didn't have a hair tie for my hair, but I figured that since it was off my neck, I'd be alright. Uhhh nope! Totally sucked having all that hair everywhere and nothing to tie it back.  Perhaps that contributed to the over heating as well.  Once I walked out the class, I looked something like Michael Jackson in the Wiz.
I believe my face looked like that a few times as I gasped for air....

I was counting down the postures until we got to the very last breathing exercise and all I could think of was "so glad I made it....I made it through....I MADE IT THROUGH" *Marvin Sapp voice*

As soon as class was over, I opted out of laying on my mat to take in all that I had done as Lizzy suggested we do. Nope! I high tailed outta that batch and couldn't wait to breathe in the cool air awaiting me outside the doors of the hot room! It was the freshest breath I've ever taken! I was relieved!

In my car I had waiting for me a baggie of fresh veggies which was a hydration heaven to my body! I've recently gotten into eating raw bell peppers. I've seen a few kids at my school snacking on them and wondered if I would like them too. I am now HOOKED! They're so refreshing! Only downfall is that they're expensive as all get out, so I only purchase them on sale!

Here I have yellow and red bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, and carrots. 

And once I got home, the shower I took and dinner made me extremely happy! Dinner tonight consisted of:
Broccoli (I had more, but I started eating before taking this pic), my eggplant tuna melt, wrapped up in a Flat Out wrap.  Cooked eggplant gets rather soggy over a few days, so I just heated up my egg plant, cut it up, then put it in the wrap with the tuna and a little bit of feta cheese. #delish 

I do plan to go back on Friday because I ain't no quitter, but geez I hope Friday is nothing like today!! I guess some days are just better than others.

P.S. Don't let this post discourage you if you were considering Bikram.  My other experiences were better and I highly recommend you at least try it once or twice if you're curious!


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