Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Being Mary Jane

Last night, I got an opportunity to watch a new sitcom that BET is launching called Being Mary Jane featuring Gabrielle Union as Mary Jane Paul.  I don't have cable so when the premiere came on earlier this month, I was not able to partake in watching the show with the rest of the world (or whoever chose to watch).  My social media accounts buzzed with commentary regarding the show and discussed how they liked it or disliked it.  I saw more good commentary than bad, so I totally wanted to check this out for myself. Finally, I found a site online that had a link to watch the entire show. 

After watching, my opinion is that I liked it! I really like Gabrielle Union so that could be my first bias.  Either way, overall, I thought it was a good show and after watching some clips from what to expect when the series airs in January 2014, I was hooked! I felt like it looked like it was going to be a really good show! I am also a comments junkie who will sometimes sit and read the majority of the comments people post on these sites.  Again, the majority of the comments were positive! People expressed how much they liked the show and how they couldn't wait until it comes on again. 

Of course we all know nothing is going to get ALL stellar reviews.  There was this one review which left me basically speechless.  As much as I tried, there was no argument I could say against the comment.  Here it is below:

To All (No one in particular)
I have to disagree with this show being great. I think this show is an example of why there are so many single black women in this world. Some black women have a false hope that they deserve a baller or an elite man and have no skill, discipline, or self-respect to keep a baller. This woman is sleeping around, she makes it ok for men to show up to her home unannounced and sleep with her AND people are like oh but she has a great career. Honey!!her soul is dead and she is miserable.  Mary Jane allowed herself to be subjected to midnight dinner invites – nothing public. This woman is craving real love Her career can’t lover her, grow with her, keep her legacy alive (produce children). Mary Jane is drowning. And her own black sisters think this is great or a cute show and are looking forward to sitting back to watch this trash.
I know many of you may say “it’s just a show”, but I tell you crap like this is so relatable, because many of you woman posting – live this same life. A master’s degree or career success should not give Mary Jane a pass to be ratchet. Many don’t look down at Mary Jane, because she doesn’t have kids running around or work at the local hair store, but she is doing the same thing as Shay (Love & Hip Hop) or other girls that we turn our noses up at. But it’s ok because she is successful. Huh?
There was not 1 positive image of a black man on the show.
Lover #1 – married playing games
Lover #2 – not looking for a serious relationship. (Ex lover bouncing in and out of her life)
Father – not taking control of the family/household
Older brother – living at home with his parents, raising his kids at his parents’ house
Younger brother – no car, Mary Jane (good ole black woman has to save the day) 
Neighbor – homosexual (can’t procreate and continue black life)
No disrespect to anyone, but if you are offended than you are a part of this problem. My intentions were to make you aware “In love” – Have a great day/evening. Watch these messages people. You are being insulted right in front of you own faces and you think it’s cute.
Signed a Black Woman wanting to see her people do better.

Well damn! I mean what can you say to that!? Well actually, after reading it again, there were a few things that I felt like I could interject about, but for the most part, she has a point here.  One interjection is that I didn't get that Mary Jane feels like she deserves a "baller" or "elite" man.  I think she's just looking for love in all the wrong places.  According to a background description of the show on another site, the character Mary Jane is 40 years old. In empathizing with her, but not excusing poor decisions, I'm sure to be 40 and have yet to find love or be able to have children could make some woman feel some type of way. In fact, I'm quite sure it makes them feel some type of way. Now I'm not saying this for all women who are 40 and still single without children, I said some women.  

I do agree with the part about how women can relate to this show. You may not be able to relate to all that's going on, but there are some aspects of Mary Jane's life that you probably saw or see in your own life. Perhaps that's why it's drawing such a crowd of followers.  Like it or not Miss. Commenter, but if it's relatable, it's relatable. Should we be doing better? Heck yeah! Have we been in Mary Jane's shoes at one time or another (or some of us may still be in her shoes)...probably so! You may have been there when you were  in your 20s or 30s instead of at 40, but my take is that it's not out of the norm tor over-dramatized  Again, I'm not excusing this behavior or giving it a pass, I'm just saying it is what it is. 

After reading this comment and reflecting on my own thoughts of the show, my hope is that Mary Jane will evolve over time. I'm hoping for a "started from the bottom now we here" type of thing.  You can't go through life carrying on like you've never made a mistake! You can also learn what not to do, by watching the mistakes of others.  Maybe this commenter felt like it was making black women look bad, thus her feelings of discord for the story line. She then went on to say some pretty unnecessary things about how Gabrielle Union is basically living out her own life through this character (re: her relationship with D. Wade).  That did not strengthen her argument in my opinion.  

I do think that the commenter's hope is that we will start showing a better depiction of black people, women, families, men, etc. on television! There are so many shows out right now that basically have black people looking a ratchet mess! Where are the positive images? Shows that I grew up on like The Cosby Show, Family Matters, Fresh Prince of BelAir, Sister, Sister, Hanging with Mr. Cooper, Good Times, etc. all depicted a growing, prospering, and positive image of a black family.  We don't have many of those shows out anymore and if they have had a chance at being aired, they didn't last long (Reed Between the Lines was a good show that I liked, but it didn't last long).  I've heard these shows don't last because it's not enough "drama" in them to keep viewers attention.  

If you have seen the show, what are you thoughts on it? 


  1. Ash I am so glad you posted about this. I meant to but never got around to it. I thoroughly enjoyed the show. I did find the show relateable, infact it's a lot like how I thought my life would be when I was in my early 20's. Maybe not the sleeping with a married man and such, but as far as being a single woman with a great career and no family of my own. The thing I like about Mary Jane is that is appears that her character is open to evolving and will do so. I really believe. I do believe that as black women in particular we have to protect our brand. Meaning that our images in the media are often very negative and I am a proponent of better black femal examples on TV. I think if done right, BET has an avenue to show how a woman can go from Mary Jane now to who she will become. I do appreciate people's giving deeper opinions as opposed to surface observations that we tend to see. Great post!

    1. Thanks for your input, Jac! I'm really excited about the potential for the show! I agree that she's open to evolving! I mean she's educated, appears to be a really cool girl, has a great career, and she's 40!! Who wouldn't want to do better!? In fact, I know she wants to do better because look at how she pushed for her niece to do better! I'm keeping my fingers crossed and keeping hope alive for this one! Unfortunately, I don't have cable, so I'll have to hope and pray I can catch some of the episodes online somewhere! Keep me posted if there is anything I miss!!
