Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thus far...

Hello everyone! As I have mentioned in a previous post, the month of July is popping with awesome events in my life!

My friend Dionne's wedding was absolutely beautiful!!!! I have never in my life seen or heard of her crying, yet for the first time, on July 6, 2013, I witnessed the sweetest flow of tears as Dionne read her vows to her husband! It truly touches and warms my heart to bear witness to the love that is growing in the lives of my friends!

Congrats Mrs. Henderson!!!

And oh let me just say....the DJ was ROCKIN!!!! DJ Lonnie B was on the 1s and 2s and Kelli Lemon was the hostess with the mostest keeping the party going!!! We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves! I challenged one of the bridesmaids, Angela to a dance competition encouraging one another to stay on the dance floor all night breaks! I must admit, I injured myself while going down the Soul Train line (smh....klutz) by stepping on my foot in my stilettos (OUCH)!!! It was truly a freak accident, but I kept rockin...I'm slightly competitive at times! And with good music and a few drinks, I was able to shake it off like a G!

Good food, good music, good friends, good CAKE.....whew I love weddings!!!

Next up on the social cal is Delta Sigma Theta's Centennial!!! I'm picking my sister Ange up from the airport tomorrow morning (ahhhh I can't wait to see my Kiki!!!!) and then we're heading on up to the madness of the Delta Takeover in DC!!! I'm super excited, but I must admit, I am slightly overwhelmed just thinking about how many people are going to be up there. I'm sure once we get there and find a parking spot (oh Lord be a good parking spot) and get to all the places we need to go, it's going to be an amazing time that will go down in herstory!!! Yesssss!!!

There are so many different parties to choose from and so many sorors that I really want to see while I'm up there!! I hope to be able to squeeze everything in without having an anxiety attack! I'm sure everything will be fine, but whew I forsee this event being B-A-N-A-N-A-S!!!! 

Oh...did I tell y'all?? I'm taking my very first boxing class on Saturday morning! 

I'm really excited about this because I've always wanted to take a class, but never have! I'm actually going with a date who has been talking mad smack lately sooooo I'm feeling like a combination of Laila Ali and Tina Turner when she let Ike have it in the limo towards the end of What's Love Got to Do With It!

Ok just kidding! But seriously! I'm all into unconventional, fun, different dates, so I suggested that we go boxing and he happily agreed! I think it's going to be a really good time although I'm not really sure what to expect from the class. The description online sounds like it's going to be a great workout! I'll be sure to give an update on how it goes! I told my dad about it and he was tickled pink! He says "Oh wow!!! I can't wait to hear all about it!!!" :)

So tomorrow is Friday!!! What do you guys have planned for the weekend!?

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