Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The elimination of CAN'T

I've been highly motivated lately to rid my vocabulary of the word "can't".  After finishing my half marathon two weeks ago, I realized I most certainly can do anything I set my mind to! I know that sounds so cliche and so elementary (you can be whatever you want to be lol), but a lot of things in life is really more mental than anything at all.  

When I was in 6th grade, I signed up to run track because my older sister was on the team.  I was placed as a long distance runner.  My event was to run the mile. Every time we had a meet, I would run my mile in roughly 13 minutes, then pass out at the finish line.  Oh and did I mention, I was always LAST to finish!! Well except one time, I came in 1st to last....some girl trailed me...I totally felt her pain of losing! I had been in her shoes for every other meet, but felt some sort of victory for beating her, but I digress.  Anyway, I eventually quit the team because my doctor discovered I had asthma. Umm....I think that was more my mom and I convincing the doctor than me having a real medical problem. 

My sister once said to me "you're not dedicated enough".  She actually always said that to me when I would try something hard, and as much as I didn't want to admit it then, she was right.  I realized dedication and hard work will get you anywhere in life. You'll go far! You'll move mountains! Persistence is also a key factor that I lacked back then.  

Now that I'm older, wiser, and have seen the benefits of working hard and yielding results, I have decided that I won't say "I can't" anymore! I will strive to try everything at least once and if I fail, I will learn from the failed experience.  After I finished the half, I felt like I couldn't imagine carrying on to do another 13.1 miles if I ran a full marathon, but I refused to say "I can't" ever get up to that point. I'm setting my mind to achieve greater things in life and not limiting myself! 

A lot of times, all we have to do is try and we'd be amazed at what we could accomplish! The other day I told my best friend I was going to attempt to unclog my sink and she said "you better call a plumber before you mess something up".  I refused to believe I needed assistance before trying it myself first! I went on YouTube, watched a tutorial, and BAM, I unclogged the sink with no problems! Had I listened to her, I would have claimed defeat before trying and assumed the task was too hard for me to do alone. I realized in that moment that the are SO MANY THINGS that we assume we can't do and we haven't even tried it to know it's not possible to do. 

So that's that....I'm taking the limits off....I'm not stopping myself with insecurities and self-doubt! I'm ready for the world! I CAN DO IT! 

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