Sunday, February 10, 2013

2 more weeks until "A-Day"!!!

Today marks approximately 2 weeks until my 29th birthday! This means it's been 5 weeks since I've been eating clean and working out consistently.  Now remember, I had been working out rather consistently before, but I hadn't started eating clean until after I got back from visiting my sister and brother-in-law for Christmas vacation.

So I've made it over that period of making something new a "habit" (21 days).  I must say, my new lifestyle is working out rather well! I have had some moments of frustration or lack of motivation, but I have pushed through reminding myself why I'm doing this. So initially, I decided to make this a 7 week "challenge" to prepare for my birthday.  I made a decision that I didn't want to just do this for my birthday, but that I would make this a lifestyle change. With that being said, highlighting that my birthday is coming up soon and relating it to my new lifestyle is really now irrelevant. I did want to at least give you guys some updates on how things have been going.  I have shared a few things in previous posts, but I will use this post to reflect on progression with my initial challenge.

The most enjoyable part of it all is the results I'm seeing! I have lost about 15 lbs since October.  I can't remember how much I weighed when I started the clean eating and the exercising together, but I will at least note my weight loss since I joined my gym. I am currently in the stage where other people are starting to notice the weight loss. Several people at work and others who don't follow me on Instagram and wouldn't know I was even doing all of this have commented.

I am enjoying working out and have so much more energy to just spring out of the bed at 5am to get a workout in before work. The only way I feel groggy is if I have stayed up later than my usual bed time. I value sleep so I try to get in bed no later than 10pm every night! That will probably change after a husband and kids, but for now that it's just me, I make it a goal to get in bed at my desired "bedtime".

I must keep it real though...preparing to eat clean has run it's level of frustration in my life at times. Now let me explain.  It's not the food that's the problem. It's planning everything out and preparing everything. Today I really struggled through my food prep.  I was getting annoyed with cooking all the food and just wanted to throw my hands up and say forget it! I secretly wanted to relive a life of convenience (only for a millisecond). Usually if I have an idea of what I'm going to make, it's not that bad.  Today, I was struggling with being sure I had everything I needed to make a complete meal.  I also noticed that I just went to the grocery store on Friday and I need to go back again soon...(like today or tomorrow).  After I finally finished cooking, I looked at all the dishes I needed to clean and thought to myself...AHHHHHHHH!!!

Ok now that that's out of my system...let me stop belly aching! Anything worth having is going to take hard work. I want a nice body and good health, so meal prep it is! If I fail to plan, then I'm ultimately planning to fail. Those are some very wise words to live by. I had to remember this throughout my day today.  I have come really far and have inspired so many people along the way. Giving up now is not an option. I suppose we're all entitled to a day of frustration and wanting to quit. Then it's back to the money!!

It'll all be worth it when I achieve my goals and I'm really happy about my progress!

Now on to my birthday....

I'm not doing anything specific to celebrate other than having dinner with some friends, but I'm still uber excited about turning 29!!! When I left church today, I just felt SO GOOD!! I attended my first new members class, met some new people, and I just felt amazing!!! It was such a great feeling and I just thought about how bright my future is appearing! I was also inspired by another fellow friend of mine and blogger to create a list of 30 things I want to do before I turn 30!! I thought of some things that I want to do, now all I have to do is do some research to be sure they are doable and I'll then publish a final list! What I mean by that is I roughly have about 54 weeks before my 30th birthday so if I put all kinds of high dollar things on the list like "travel to Asia", "buy a Louis Vuitton bag", "go shopping on Rodeo Drive", etc...whatever...then clearly on this teacher's salary that's not happening with only a year to get it done. I have some ideas of things I want to do that won't cost me anything, but there are a few things that will cost so I have to plan everything out. I want to be as realistic as possible all along with doing what I want to do most! If you can't tell...I'm a planner. I have to plan things out with just about everything (even when it frustrates me). I have some other friends who have done the same for their 30th birthdays and they are going to share their lists with me for ideas.  I figure I can start now and give myself a 2 week head need to wait until my actual birthday! Stay tuned for the list!! :)

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