Saturday, February 9, 2013

Keeping it real

Through this process of bettering myself and inspiring others, I have realized that being honest with others ultimately leads to truly being honest with myself. Both concepts can be challenging, but both are very necessary in order to grow.

I've been on the journey to living a healthier lifestyle for a few months now. It really started in January when I decided that I was not only going to exercise, but I was also going to eat right! It's so easy to go through life and talk about your successes, but the real test is in that moment of adversity, inconvenience, or even failure.

Last night I had some friends over for a girls night! I knew before they came that the menu items would be pizza from a local pizzeria, wine, and whatever other snacks the girls brought along with them.  I provided a sensible snack of spinach and kale Greek yogurt dip coupled with Gorgonzola oven baked crackers all from Trader Joe's. I was really excited about trying out these new snacks even though I wouldn't have purchased them for the house had it not been for the girls night. I had eaten a little bit before the girls showed up and I had planned to only have one slice of pizza and maybe one glass of wine. I had it all planned out! Unfortunately, by the time they arrived, I was hungrier than I had expected.  I chose the largest slice of pizza in the box for my first slice! I can't even tell you how much tortilla chips and hummus I consumed along with grazing over my own contribution to the party of the spin and kale dip w/ the Gorgonzola crackers. I also had two glasses of wine instead of the one that I had planned to have. I then helped myself to another slice of pizza (in which I found another larger slice in the box).

The real test came when it was time for my friends to leave. I noticed they were leaving, but didn't take the leftover pizza with them. I stopped them at the door with the box in my hand asking them to take it with them, BUT they insisted that I keep it. Oh my.....eeekkkk!!! I accepted the box of 6 huge slices of cheese pizza and said my good-byes to my friends. As I closed the door still holding the box, I thought about what I was really going to do with it. One thing about me is that I hate to waste food. I knew keeping the pizza would be counterproductive to my new healthy lifestyle, but I was torn. So I put the pizza in the refrigerator and went upstairs to get ready for bed.

You might be thinking, this is ridiculous that she's going back and forth in her head about this dag gone pizza...JUST EAT IT OR THROW IT AWAY! Simple right!? NO! IT'S NOT! I really struggled with this decision because I told myself, I could just eat off the pizza for a few days and eat it in "moderation".  I also thought about freezing it and saving it for another day when I felt like indulging. Then I thought about how far I've come.  I thought about my old ways of thinking.  Thinking that I could just eat what I wanted, then go work it off in the gym.  I thought of my goals. I thought of all of you who I have inspired to keep going! I finally went to bed and let my thoughts settle.  When I woke up in the morning, I had decided that I would discard the box of pizza. Before I could give it anymore thought, I went downstairs, gather up all the trash that had collected on my counter tops and took the box to the dumpster.  I heaved it in before I could change my mind and it was gone! LOL.  When I got back from the gym this morning, I felt good about the decision and I chose a healthy post work out meal to enjoy.  Had I kept that pizza, I would have been enjoying a slice or two of it because it was available.  

Because my journey is new and I'm still getting accustomed to this lifestyle, I knew I wasn't strong enough to keep food around in my house that would be counterproductive to my goals. Perhaps later on down the line, I could have more self control, but I know myself. Knowing yourself is truly a key factor in this whole thing. Being honest with yourself, setting limits, and adhering to those limits.

I also gained some weight that I discovered when I got on the scale this morning at the gym. I don't know if it's from muscle (I did put up a lot of hard work in the weight room this week) or if it's from the food I ate last night.  I'm admitting this because it shows that I'm real and I struggle too! I debated on whether or not I should record my weight gain on my My Fitness Pal app, but then I said "yes, I'm going to record it".  I'm going to show my follower friends on there that I have weeks that seem like a set back.  I have moments that bring my weaknesses to the forefront. And I have my moments of overcoming these things that make me stronger!


  1. Ashley I love reading your blog (I got linked to it from Taryn's FB page)! I have been a pretty healthy eater and exerciser since high school (I am a weirdo who loves working out), but I STILL struggle with group/potluck/friend dinners. I cannot say no to food when it is out in the open, and I am with friends (aka super bowl parties, dinner parties, cookouts, holidays, ect). I know me and know I just won't eat well during these events, so I usually use that meal as my "cheat" meal and eat whatever I want. What happens then is I either get my cravings out or feel gross the next day, so it kicks me into high gear for the rest of the week. This does not cause me to gain weight because it is literally one meal a week. The challenge is when it becomes 2 or 3 or 4 times a week. So I often suggest I do different things with friends, like going for a walk, bowling, coffee, frozen yogurt or a movie...things that don't revolve around a big meal or booze. And I STILL cannot have bad food in my house. I learned at a very young age that there are certain things I cannot have in reach or I will hit a moment of weakness and break loose. You really do have to take healthy eating one meal at a time and know what works for YOU!

    Keep it up girl! Let me know if you need any tips b/c everyone always learns from other people!

    1. Hi Robyn!! Thanks for reading and for posting a comment! That's really good advice about the "cheat" meal. I have kind of avoided it all together since I know how I lack self-control. I figured that once I had been doing this for some time, I would have more self-control. Every day is a new day and a new opportunity to do my best. I found a quote online that says "never trade what you want the most for what you want at the moment". Pictured withe quote is a girl with a really nice body and a slice of greasy pizza. How true is that! I have heard this before, but I know it's all worth it! I was struggling through meal prep today and wanted to just yell out AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THIS!!! But then I had to remember why I'm doing this and I found some strength to continue. I do a lot of self talk to encourage myself through all of this. It's hard, but it's worth it!! Hard work truly pays off!

  2. Also- only weigh yourself once a week and pick a consistent day (like a Wednesday) where you don't typically have various events that would cause you to be bloated or fuller than usual. I never weigh myself on the weekends because I usually have bigger dinners those nights!

    1. I usually do only weigh myself once/week. Fridays are usually my "progress pic" day and weigh in day. Where I live, there isn't too much social activities going on so the day of the week doesn't always matter, but I do stay consistent. Today I went to the gym and I weighed myself on a different scale (someone was hogging the bathroom that has the scale I usually use) and it said I gained 2lbs...whaaattt?? I then had to tell myself that I need to chill out and remember weight will fluctuate. Just keep doing what I'm doing and let my clothes be the judge of my progress. I wore a pair of pants to church today that used to be so tight that I had a muffin top, and my thighs rubbed together so bad that there are those little lint balls that formed (LOL). Today, I had enough room to be able to pull the pants out a bit and there was definitely no muffin top! They were comfortable and they were appropriate to wear in the house of the Lord!! PROGRESS!!! I'll take it! :)

    2. Get it girl! Stay strong! Being healthy for LIFE is CONSTANT work but it becomes addicting:) Go buy yourself new clothes to celebrate!
