Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Workout and Worship Wednesday!

I decided I wanted to start a new segment to my blog that would be themed and inspiring! I first want to say thank you to all of you for reading and for commenting whether here on the blog or just when you talk to me! You being inspired by me truly inspires me!! It's a cycle of inspiration!!

So this morning, I was doing some thinking and was trying to figure out what I could do for a themed segment. A few days ago, I figured I wanted to do a Workout Wednesday.  I then thought about how I also want to keep God incorporated in everything I do since my relationship with him has molded and shaped me to be the inspiring person that I am today!

Workout and Worship Wednesday will focus on a new workout for you guys to attempt, an encouraging scripture, and a song of worship that I believe will minister to your soul!!

Today's scripture is from Isaiah 26:3 and it says "you will keep in perfect peace all who's mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you".  This scripture is basically declaring that all who keep their mind on God will have peace.  When you truly trust in God, you are at peace knowing he will take care of you and that you don't have to worry anymore.  You give it all to God to handle and take care of (1 Peter 5:7)!

The song of worship that I would like to share is called Never be bound again by Bishop Paul Morton. Click on the link to take a listen on YouTube. This song truly ministered to my soul! With working out and trying to eat right, we will face some challenges.  We may even struggle, stumble, fall, fail, want to give up, etc. This song is so encouraging! I feel like it can be applied to any area of your life! Be freed from obesity.  Be freed from health problems. Be freed from being an emotional eater. Be freed from laziness.  Be freed from lack of motivation!

Today's workout is going to focus on your back! This workout can help women and men. It's time to get our back defined!! It also helps with posture! No more back fat ladies!! Oooooh the dreaded back fat and "bra fat".  Yikes!! If you find this workout to be too easy, just increase the amount of weight you're using.  If you don't have the equipment at home already, just do what you can with your own body weight. Something is better than nothing!!! Don't ever think if you can't do a lot, you shouldn't do it at all! Let's get active and preserve our temple!!!

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!!! Leave a comment and let me know how you liked the workout!!


  1. I love theme days! No better day than Wednesday to do it.

    1. Thanks, Jac!! I figured a little midweek motivation would be a way to keep everyone encouraged!!

  2. I tell you what... that is one of my favorite scriptures! I lean on it because when I take my eyes off of Him I become overwhelmed by the cares if this world and it is a reminder that we must always focus on God. I asked the Lord to give me strength..consistency and motivation as I to take this journey to become healthy and live a healthy life style.. please keep me lifted and I will do the same for you sistah! Denisha

    1. Having an encouraging friend to keep you motivated definitely helps in this journey!! I will definitely keep you lifted and I'm rooting for you! No matter what, just take it one day at a time and remember progress is a slow process! Don't get discouraged and if you find yourself falling off the wagon, there is always tomorrow to get right back on and start again!! You can do it!!! :)
