Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Hello Fear...you are the weakest link! GOODBYE!

In 2001, a popular game show called The Weakest Link captured the attention of many Americans.  I think the most popular part of the show that we all loved most was when the host, Anne Robinson would say to a contestant "you are the weakest link. Goodbye!" basically dismissing that contestant from the show.

I remember making jokes with friends around that time when The Weakest Link was hitting it's peak and always using that catch phrase to dismiss people or issues from our lives.  As of late, fear has been coming up in my life quite often.

Today I was talking to a friend about her future endeavors and she shared with me some of her next steps in life. I was so inspired by her drive and determination to live out her goals and bring them to fruition.  Some of the things that she talked about planning to do were some things that I actually have considered doing in my own life. So what's the difference between her and me? Well she's making things happen, and I realized I'm waiting on the corner of Fear Blvd and Doubtful Ave. Totally not my M.O.!! I'm embarrassed to even admit that!

I am a Christian and I know God's word, which clearly says in 2 Timothy 1:7 "for God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind".  I believe and receive that, so why on earth would I ever let fear come into my life and stop me from being great?

This is such a conflict of interest right now. I feel like I'm that person with the the angel and the devil on my shoulder. 


The angel is telling me what God says, and the devil is telling me "don't try that because you'll fail".  I have taken leaps of faith before and made some big decisions that I truly trusted God to see me through, but there are other things that I have put off doing because I let that little devil on my shoulder get in my head and keep me from going for the gold!

Today, after talking to my friend, I made a decision that it was time to kick that little devil to the curb! It's time to combat any negative, fearful, ungodly thought that comes into my mind and replace it with thoughts of encouragement, positivity, and prosperity! How do I know what it's going to be like if I never try? So I thought about some of the things I want to do and then I thought about the things that are holding me back from doing them. As I was thinking of both lists, I started to pay more attention to my list of what I want to do, and less attention to why I couldn't do it.

It's time to take the limits off! Regardless of what I think I'm capable of doing, nothing is impossible for God! He will see me through any and everything I face in life! It's go time and that starts with dismissing the biggest road block: fear!

You are the weakest link! GOODBYE!!!

1 comment:

  1. Fear is such a paralyzing thing. My quote under my senior picture in hs said "You can dream big and live large when you know God is in charge". I believe I made that up but who knows. Any way I truly believe that and I believed it at the time. I was 18 and staring my future in the face... I was ready. I don't know what changed since then. I often think of all I could be doing if I didn't let fear ad doubt get in my way. I think it's something that has to be conquered every day! I want to kick fear in the face and live a fierce fearless life!
