Friday, March 15, 2013

Playing catch up

OMG it feels soooooooooooo good to finally have a free moment to catch up and write a post!!! Since my internet/social network fast, I have had so much to blog about!!! Since the fast ended, I have been a little busy this week, but now I am devoting some time to check in with you guys and give you some updates!! 

Ok where shall I begin?? Umm....ok let me say that the fast was amazing for me!!!I will admit it was really hard and I had some moments that I had to use the internet for some business related things, but overall it was so hard because I wanted to get on and blog and update you guys on my Facebook and Instagram account with all the happenings! The first night was extremely tough because I was bored out of my mind. I had to find something to do, so this became my favorite past time...
I think I did more reading in that week than I've done all year! I mean when you have a lot of time on your hands, you've got to do something to entertain yourself, so why not better yourself? I also caught up on lots of my old magazines that I never seemed to have the time to read.  Funny how when you cut out social networking and internet you have so much time on your hands...hmmm. 

Anyway, it was truly a great week because I spent tons of time with God! I signed up for 2 new reading plans on the Bible app on my phone, I finished Monday Morning Choices (finally), and I'm almost done with Be Anxious for Nothing by Joyce Meyer. I plan to finish that very soon...perhaps this weekend! I found some really awesome gems while catching up with my O magazines as well! I'm so thankful that my sister got me this subscription! I never would have thought to subscribe on my own, but Oprah's magazines are such an inspiration! I highly recommend you getting a subscription! In the February issue, there was a segment called "The "Ahhhh" Moment": A Practical Guide to Creating Inner Peace, A Saner Routine, and More Space for Things You Love.  One of the entries that I found to be extremely powerful and I'm including now in my own life is a segment called The Five Moment Memoir.  A girl named Sarah Beauchamp came up with this and it is basically what she describes as her "simple exercise for keeping the faith".  She forces herself to write down five things that happened each day; the highlights and the low lights. Here's an example of my Five Moment Memoir for March 7, 2013:
  1. Another snow day and day off from work.
  2. The gym was empty today! I love when that happens.  I also burn 702 calories by doing a new workout routine that I found in one of my old magazines!! #score
  3. My birthday present from Valena came in the mail today and she got me something extra! A new sermon notes journal!! :)
  4. Young Adults Ministry got cancelled tonight due to the snow. I was really looking forward to going too!
  5. I finished reading Monday Morning Choices! My next book will be Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom. A great quote that closed MMC: "The bottom line is that whatever you have learned, whatever you posses, is not yours to keep. It is yours to pass on". "Be willing to share what you know and to mentor those looking for the pathway to success".  Those two quotes really inspired me to keep helping people get fit and eat right! As I learn, I share and encourage others to reach the success that I'm reaching! 
Another awesome thing I stumbled across in O's magazine that I couldn't wait to use the internet to do is the Life Challenges!! Each month it's something different! Right now there is a 21 day Meditation Challenge that I highly recommend you guys signing up for if you haven't already! I've done the meditations for the past 2 days and I have felt so relaxed, at peace, and serene! Here is the link to register so you can get the daily e-mails! 

This week has also been a really awesome health week for me! I had a physical on Monday and my proudest moment was when I got my blood pressure taken! Now I've never been diagnosed with high blood pressure, but my pressure is always higher than most without being considered "high blood pressure".  A typical reading for me would be like 140/90.  I was always told "oh you just have white coat syndrome" or "you work at a school, of course your pressure is up".  But little did they know, that was always the reading and it had been like that for years! I knew it wasn't normal, but no doctor ever considered it a "bad" thing. Although it might not have been bad enough to diagnose, I knew I didn't want it to stay that way.  When the nurse took my blood pressure, it was 122/70!!!!!!!! I was sooooooooooo pumped and proud of this!!! I've also lost a total of 20 pounds since the end of October!!! My doctor was very pleased with my overall physical. It made me feel so good to have a good health report especially since Monday would have also been my mom's 66th birthday.  I am motivated to be healthy and keep my health in tip top shape for as much of it that I can control because I know deadly diseases run in my family. 

On Monday, I asked my girlfriends to wear purple to spread awareness for Pancreatic Cancer in honor of my mom. And of course they supported me and the cause! I'm so thankful for good, supportive friends!! 

Thursday was wear orange for World Kidney Day to spread awareness about kidney disease. My best friend, Jaime's dad died from kidney disease last year so I had to support the cause! 

It's truly been a blessed 2 weeks! Now that I'm back to blogging, I'll be sure to get back on to the regular scheduled program of fitness updates, Worship and Workout Wednesday, and any other thing that happens in my life! Stay tuned......

Much love to you all and thanks for reading!!! 

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