Sunday, March 17, 2013

Oh My Meal Prep!!!!

Whew!!!! Ok so it's Sunday and Sunday means: MEAL PREP DAY!!!! Oh how I have a love/hate relationship with meal prep!! I love it because during the week it's so easy to just grab and go and not have to think about what I'm going to eat! I hate it because,'s time consuming! I have been cooking for the past 3 hours and that does not include clean up (the dishes are still staring at me on the counter...and the dishwasher is full...oh joy).

Either way, this week's menu was planned out yesterday and it includes:
- tilapia with quinoa and cabbage
- spaghetti squash with marinara sauce, chicken and sauteed mushrooms and onions with broccoli
- chicken with 1/2 of a sweet potato and broccoli or cabbage (whichever tickles my fancy when it's time to eat it)
I still have a tuna and cranberry recipe that I want to make, but that might have to wait until tomorrow.  I also planned to make egg muffins, but I used all my onions which leaves me with only mushrooms to go in them (blah) so I'm going to have to hit the store for more veggies before I can make those.

So let's begin! This week I stepped out of my comfort zone and tried 3 new items to cook! 1. cabbage (yes, this was my first time making cabbage in life)! 2. quinoa 3. spaghetti squash.  Everything else was pretty much something I've already had or made before so no biggie on how to prep.
I wasn't sure how to make ANY of these foods since it was my first time, so I utilized the best thing to learn how to do just about anything...YOUTUBE! A childhood friend of mine and a few Facebook friends helped with how to prepare the cabbage.

Cabbage is amazing!! It's super cheap (I got mine for $.26/lb #eatcleanonabudget) and it's super yummy!!! I seasoned my pot with pepper, basil, a little sea salt, and a little chicken broth! I boiled mine as well. I think I now have enough cabbage to last me for the next 2 weeks!! One head will yield a large harvest!

Next up is the quinoa! I got tri-colored quinoa from Whole Foods since it was the cheapest! I had never tasted it before so I didn't want to pay too much for it and risk not liking it. Quinoa is a grain that essentially cooks like rice.  You boil 2 cups of water and add 1 cup of quinoa to the boiling water. Let it simmer until the water is completely gone and viola! The thing with quinoa is that you have to rinse it off first. I decided I would pour mine into a colander to do the rinsing and all of the little tiny quinoas started coming out of through the holes of the colander!!! PANIC SET IN!!! "I bought this stuff from Whole Foods" is what I heard myself shout as I try to quickly stop the quinoa from falling through the holes all over my counter top and into the sink...then down the drain!

So I had to find something else to use....and I found this little (literally) contraption to rinse my quinoa in.  Talk about comedy!! And tedious task because that thing is only big enough to maybe hold a spoon full of quinoa. If you look closely, you can see the quinoa on the sink...those pieces didn't make it into the pot! I poured a little chicken broth into the pot of quinoa to give it a little flavor...I also do this with my rice. My review on quinoa is that it's not bad. It's not the most exciting thing, but not terrible. I'm not sure if the "tri-color" had anything to do with taste or not. Again, this is my first time cooking it and/or eating it.

Spaghetti squash: Ok this was super easy to make as well and it taste really good!! I didn't get a chance to really eat it, but I was able to taste a little bit of it after it finished "roasting".  I learned how to make it via this Youtube video. 

Cut squash in half and clean out all the seeds and pulp in the middle. You can do this with a spoon. 

This was after it was cooked. I'm not sure why it was recommended to put seasoning on the outside of the squash, but whatever..I did what I was told. 

Final product!!!
 Looks just like spaghetti right!? I added the sauce, chicken, mushrooms and onions after I snapped this pic! 

I now have several different dishes to eat for the week! This is when I love meal prep (especially when it's over) and I'm super excited about trying new things! 

Clean up on the other hand....
And this is to put it mildly...I tried to do some cleaning as I was cooking.  Geez...where is Halle Berry when you need her to help with clean up (from Boomerang)????

And now it's time for dinner..and yes...that's a glass of red wine. Meal prep has driven me to drink! LOL j/k! One glass went well with tonight's meal. P.S. I had already started eating before I snapped the pic! 

And all of this has me badly in need of manicure....nail polish chipping like crazy!!! 

So that's this week's meal prep and all it's splendor!! Until next time!! Thanks for reading! 

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