Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Workout and Worship Wednesday 3.20.13

Hello everyone!! Happy first day of SPRING!!! I'm so excited about a new season!! I'm even more excited about the weather warming up!! I'm sure we're all looking forward to warmer weather! :)

This morning, I had almost forgotten that it's Wednesday and that I needed to do a post! I was trying to figure out what song I would use, what verse I would use, and what kind of workout. I was drawing a blank especially because I wanted to post something that would be motivating.  This process of working out, eating right, and getting in shape or getting that dream body you've always wanted is such hard work! It takes a lot and it's not easy! Dedication and consistence is so key to achieving these goals we set for ourselves. I also know and recognize that with all the hard work we are putting in, this process can be highly DISCOURAGING!!! There are moments when we just want to give up! We're not seeing results, the food is bland, can't shake those cravings for all the foods that we know aren't helping us, the inconvenience we face, and just those feelings of defeat that come around so often!

I was in the shower and I said: "Lord, give me something to share that will be encouraging today"! I feel like God answered me in such a profound way that I hope all of you will receive and be blessed with!

Today's verse: Proverbs 17:22 says:
"a happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones". 

Really let that marinate in your spirit today! We think being healthy is all about working out and eating right, but we neglect to remember our mental health!! Throughout this process, our mental health can determine our success!! How many times have you quit because the devil told you "this isn't working", "just give up", "you'll never reach your goals"?? You have to get your mind right and truly rebuke the devil and those thoughts!!! Have fun with this!! Laugh! See if you can find a workout partner who can make it fun to work out. Find someone to hold you accountable with your meals! Get creative with the food and try new foods that might surprise you with how delicious they are! The key is to keep your mind in good spirits! Discouragement and feelings of defeat will totally tear you down and claim victory over you and we're not here for that!! 

Today's song is Encourage Yourself by Donald Lawrence and the Tri City Singers! This song came on shortly after I asked God to give me something that would really be beneficial to you all! I LOVE this song!!! It's sooooo true!!!! If you've never heard it before, just listen to it and let it minister to you!!! If you've had a rough day, week, month with all of this, there is always tomorrow to get back in there and try again!! Encourage yourself! Speak victory during the test!!! 

Today's workout is a 45 minute full body workout! It incorporates strength training along with cardio! You want to make sure you're doing both!! If you're merely doing cardio, that's cool, but if you want stellar results, you're going to have to pick up some weights or at least do body weight training! Here is the workout! Try this at least 3 times throughout this week and see how you like it! If it seems too easy, remember add more weight!!

Have a wonderful, Wednesday!! Thank you for reading! Be blessed! :)

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